FREE SAT, ACT, PSAT, College App content, and more! Star Tutors provides high quality college resources and content to everyone with a phone, tablet, or browser.
StarU takes the guesswork and fear out of college test prep.
NEW IN VERSION 7.36! We’ve added over 40 hours of FREE SAT and ACT preparation materials. This content includes detailed strategy guides for ALL of the most common question types on each test, as well as interactive practice problems designed by experts to match the questions found on the real tests.
The practice questions include detailed answer explanations, and a results tracker to help you improve. We implement strategies, tips, and concept reviews that will allow students to improve their scores.
Instant video tutoring and homework help with StarU!
StarU is the first on-demand web and mobile app that allows students and tutors to connect instantaneously through a video chat solution.
It’s simple! After selecting the desired school subject, with a click of a button, students will have instant access to the best tutors in the world. StarU’s instant tutoring option is an inexpensive, pay-as-you go solution that doesnt require any long term commitment.
And, our elite tutors are members of the Star Tutors network, hand selected based on extensive criteria. We are proud to offer high quality academic support in a way that students can easily understand.
StarU is the best and most convenient tutoring application on the market!